Alpaca Mittens


Location: San Pedro de Atacama, Chile; Material: Alpaca Wool

All of my friends and classmates that went on my trip to Chile with me this past May/June (2014) know me as the person who was obsessed with alpacas on our trip.  While traveling throughout the Atacama Desert in Chile, it is like I had a sixth sense for alpacas and llamas.  One time, I even snapped awake while in a deep sleep during on of our car rides somewhere when someone said “Look, llamas!”  This phrase somehow pulled my out of that deep sleep.  Everyone saw me suddenly become alert and happy and look out the window.  Anyway, I bought these for two reasons: first, I really liked them because not only are they made from alpaca wool, but they also have alpacas on them; and second, I did not pack properly for the cold weather (because Chile is in the Southern Hemisphere, its seasons are opposite from ours!), so I really needed these while there, especially at night, in the cold desert weather!  These really helped to keep my warm in Chile, and they are also helping to keep my warm during this very cold winter of 2015!  I wear them every single day.  I especially like them because they can be both fingerless gloves and mittens, so, of course, they do not get in the way of texting!  How 21st century and millennial of me!

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